Charlie Wisdom

Charlie Parker once advised, “you learn the changes and then forget them.” Of course, he was talking about music. His advice is great for musicians of any style. We do not want to be overly academic with our music. But, I have seen many composers be more concerned about pleasing their freshman composition teacher then an audience. Huge mistake.

But I want to use this advice in another arena. I want to use this in the arena of creating software. I have seen many developers get locked into a paradigm. I have seen them completely leave the best logical solution to match a particular documented way of doing things. Or worse still, only be concerned about matching a particular diagramming method.

The algorithm, the diagramming method, and the particular programming style is not the solution. The solution is the solution. Make your solution fit the problem even if it doesn’t fit the watchword of the day.

Category: Teaching

  • Correlation and Causation Explained in the Real Word

    All of us that have provided services that have fallen into a classification like  Decision Support System, Business Analyst, Business Intelligence, or Data Science have had to explain the difference between correlation and causation.  There have been times that I have found these conversations can be tense, confusing, and sometimes futile. First, forget the academic…

  • When to Have a Product or Project Perspective in Software Development

    Introduction Architects and developers approach our craft from two different perspectives. One perspective is the project perspective. The project perspective takes one specific business challenge and uniquely creates a software solution for that particular problem. Usually the architect starts with a blank canvas and interviews the users. The developer takes the notes and diagrams from…

  • Anecdotal, Observational, and Controlled Study

    I have been reading posts during the COVID-19 lock-down. Many of my friends do not know what solid statistical evidence is. I promise to keep the technical terms to an absolute minimum and avoid equations like the plague (or COVID-19 in our case). Let’s consider if Church of God members have a higher blood pressure…

  • Teaching Machine Learning to Tweens

    What Fun! I had the privilege to teach Machine Learning to tweens at the Chattanooga Public Library on June 29, 2018. It was a blast. I used the great resources made available by Dale Lane at Machine Learning for Kids. Dale’s resources are fun, well laid out, and make a valid teaching point. He is using…